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carmen ward

Jordan this is your aunt Carmen from your mamaw Veresa side.  You would of had the best grandmother and family that  God could of given you . You are sadly missed and never forgotten.  We look at your beautiful pictures everyday and wish we could be with you--- playing, laughing, running and seeing your beautiful smile looking at us. My sister is and will always be the best person in the world and she would of been the best grandmother you could ever ask for. We love you and think about you all the time.....your great aunt Carmen


Daddy 7-14-08
Jordan, 3 months ago seems like an eternity. I still can't believe your gone. Things just dont seem right without you here. There is a piece of me that you took with you that I just can't seem to find. I'ts a hole in my heart that I can't fill, or even attempt to patch up. Your mamaw was right, we would be having so much fun with you right now! I've tried everything to just make this pain go away, but it won't. Jordan, I need you more now than ever. I've been under alot of stress here lately, and I just need you to send me some comfort in some way! Daddy is really having a tough time dealing with this. There isn't a day goes by that I don't just sit and cry, thinking of what you would be doing. I call your mamaw all the time in just a crappy mood, but shes a great woman and always seems to cheer me up. Son, best believe that one day, daddy will be back to see you......and when I do, this time no one or nothing will keep you from me! Daddy Loves You Jordan........................
Mamaw 7-14-2008

Today makes 3 months since you got your wings. It seems like a lifetime ago, but at the same time, it still feels like it happened yesterday. It's really hard to understand why, but deep down inside, I know why. God had bigger plans for you sweetie. You would have been 5 months old in about a week. You would have been developing your personality. I can just imagine you spitting food back out because you didn't like it. I can just see you smiling and laughing at something silly someone had done.

At this age, I might have been able to talk your mommy into letting me bring you to WV for a week to stay with me. Boy, that would have been fun. I'm not sure if you would have been able to hold a fishing pole, but we could have tagged along and watched Papaw Charlie catch one for you. I'm sure everyone would have believed the picture of you holding (with some help of course) a big bass or trout! Shoot, we would have even let your daddy pose with one of the fish (hehe). I know you have a big river in heaven and you can fish all day with your little friends. :)

We miss you more and more Jordan. We know you are safe in the arms of God, but we still miss you. You have fun in heaven, and one day, we will be there to share in that fun with you sweetie. We love you!


You know, I have seen many people on here say they have had a visit from a loved one. I always wondered how they knew.

I remember as a child, after my mom had died, I would have dreams of her. For some reason, they never brought me comfort. I don't know if it was because I was young and afraid of death or if it was simply because I didn't understand.  The dreams I had of my mom, they weren't dreams of her holding me or comforting me or anything like that, just simply a dream about her. It was always the same dream, over and over. They finally stopped after what seemed like a lifetime.

Today, I laid down to take a nap. I was feeling bad and knew I needed some more sleep. I haven't been sleeping well the last week for some reason.

I had a dream of you Jordan. It wasn't just a dream about you, like I have had before, it was a dream that included you. It was the most awesome feeling. I was holding you, taking you for a ride in a stroller, going shopping, just out having fun.

I had mentioned to your dad that it upset me that in all the pictures we have of you, you were only smiling in 2 of them. One was when you were in the crib in the nursery and the other one was one that your mom said was taken about a week before you passed. It made me wonder if you were always sad. The look in your eyes in your pictures is always a sad look. I hate that. 

In my dream, you were nothing but smiles. You would giggle that infectious giggle that babies have, the one that makes everyone around start laughing. You smiled all thru my dream. You have such a beautiful smile! I took a million pictures of that smile.  It did my heart good to have that dream. I was able to remember the dream after I woke up, something I am rarely able to do.

I will take that dream to be your sign that you are happy and at peace. That dream gave me something that I never thought I would have. I saw you smile and laugh!

I now know what people mean when they say they had a visit from their loved one. Thank you for giving that to me Jordan.


Jordan, I know you know how I feel about you, but I want to put it into words.  


So many things have happened since we found out that you would be a part of our lives.  I wish I could turn back the hands of time and change those events.

You would have been my everything. I know that you were far away, but I would have been a part of your life. You know the situation and you know why I wasn't there.

There will come a day when you will be with us again. There will be a day when we can hold you and love you. There will be a day when no one will stop us from being in your life.  I can't wait for that day! Your daddy will show you just how much he did love you.

I know you are in a better place, but I can't help missing you. We all miss you so much.

I just talked to your daddy this morning. I am trying to get him to understand that the things he is wanting, they are not important. You are in his heart and he is in your heart, the rest doesn't matter. Nothing will ever change the fact that you are his baby boy. He will be with you again one day.

Your cousin Bryana, she is 3. She was born at 28 weeks. She weighed 2lbs. and 15oz. She was 15 inches long. When she was born, I prayed so hard for her. She finally got to come home after staying in the hospital for a month, and that shows me that prayers do work. She has grown into a beautiful little girl. When I see her, she gives me hugs and kisses. She comes to see me, knowing that I have the "goody" drawer and she can grab her a kool-aid single and a snack cake. She loves playing with Beth. Her eyes light up when she talks about Beth. When I see Bryana, I think of you. I think to myself "this is what we would have done with Jordan". When I pick her up and hug her, I think of you. I will always think about hugging you. The picture is of would have loved her and she would have loved you! You two would have been sooo rotten together, and if we threw Beth into the mixture, nothing would have been safe! <wink>

We love you Jordan!




It's hard to believe its been 2 months. That whole week was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go thru. I was crushed seeing what your dad and mom had to go thru. I knew that when you died, a part of them died also.  I only hope that your mommy and daddy are able to pick up the pieces and go on with life, always thinking of you and always remembering the joy you brought them. It all seems like a nightmare. It is still hard to accept that you left. So many things have happened in that short time and so many lives have changed forever. I know that you are looking down on your family and sending your love. Jordan, you will never be forgotten. You will always be the little angel that was loved so much.
Wow, has it really been 2 months since you got your wings? Time just flies by. Jordan, there isnt a moment in the day that goes by that I dont think about you. There isnt one day that I dont just sit here and cry. Some are tears of pain and some are tears of joy. I just sit here and wonder "who you'd be today". I cant help but to imagine all the fun we would have. I also know that your in a better place, so that sends me some sorta comfort. Jordan, watch over me as this weekend will be extremely rough. Daddy went tonight to get at tattoo drawn up, and its gonna be a special one for you. I love ya lil man, see you again one day!
Barbara York
I've known Veresa since high school.  I've known Billy most of his life.  I met Brandy on the day Jordan was born.  I went to the hospital with Billy and took pictures, held him and kissed him on the head for his grandma Veresa.  The next time I met Brandy, little Jordan was gone.  Words cannot express how sorry I am that this had to happen.  I am so glad I had to opportunity to meet and hold Jordan and send  him a special kiss from his grandma.  Love to your family....
paula & todd weidner

Our son Michael Weidner is a longtime friend of Billy and Brandi's. We were blessed enough to have been able to meet little Jordan and spend some time with him about a week before the Lord decided he needed him more than we did. I actually got to hold and cuddle little Jordan during our visit with them and I feel truly blessed to have had that opportunity, he indeed was a very sweet little boy. Billy and Brandi you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and you both know if you need to talk, your welcome to stop by our house anytime! You both take care of yourselves and keep prayer in your lives.

love mom & pop Weidner

I remember the day you were born as if it was yesterday. Mommy called me at 6am and told me that you were on your way! I rushed from Charlotte to Winston-Salem in around 45 minutes bc I  knew the greatest thing in my life was about to happen. When you were born, I could do nothing but cry tears of joy bc I knew then and there that my life had changed. Even though I did not get to see much of you lil man, I could tell that you knew daddy loved you!From the times at dinner to the times at the mall when I could just hold you, it was like euphoria! There was not a care in the world. And no one could lie, you were just like daddy. It didnt matter what we were doing, if a pretty girl walked by, you stopped everything and just stared!  Jordan, I want you to know, you will never be forgotten and no one will ever replace you. You have brought me the greatest joy life can imagine! I just want you to  watch over mommy and I as we are going through a really rough time dealing with you not being here. But we all know that no matter what, daddy will be able to hold you in his arms again, and this time no one will take you from me.
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