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Celebrations for Jor...
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1129675 Criar Memorial
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História de vida

Fevereiro 20, 2008


Jordansleeping2.jpg picture by veresa_photos




Jordan was born Feb. 20, 2008.


He passed away April 14, 2008.


His death certificate states that the cause of death was "probable compressional/positional asphyxiation". That means he died from suffocation. It states that "mother found child between wall and bed".


Our little angel was finally laid to rest on April 18, 2008. I know he is safe in the arms of Jesus.  I miss him so much and I will forever wish things had been different, but I will not question God's plan.




We all love and miss our little angel. Rest In Peace little Jordan. I hope you dance, laugh and sing with the angels in Heaven.  We will see you again one day. ♥