Memory builds a little pathway
That goes winding through my heart.
It's a lovely, quiet, gentle trail
From other things apart;
For this road I call remembrance
Is hidden from the rest;
But I hope I'll always find you
In my memory rendezvous
For I keep this little secret place
To meet with angels like you.
Angel came from heaven
With pallet that was bright
Painted us a rainbow
So we could see God's Light
Picked the softest colors
That no one could forget
Put them all together
Her masterpiece was blest
Today we see that rainbow
Of very special hues
Brought to you by God Himself
To contrast all the blues
When in life you're lonely
Just lift your head up high
Colors of the rainbow
So peacefully reply
You are all life's colors
Of Rainbows that will glow
Made by your Creator
Because He Loves You So.