Love you little Jordan. I wish I could see you and hold you. Hugs and kisses my little angel. ♥
04/17/2013 JANE MANIKAM
I thank my lord jesus christ for every time i remember you
sending hugs to you and your family
04/15/2013 Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Sorry Im late precious Jordan but lighting this candle in ur precious memory. Always in my heart sweetie. God Bless.
04/15/2013 Continued
Dear Mamaw. Love you always ((( V. )))
04/15/2013 Tammy K. ~
Awww precious Jordan, I thought I had lit a candle for you on ur angel date. So sry Im late sweetheart. Forever in my heart as is ur Mamaw. Love you ((( V. )))
04/15/2013 Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Jordan lighting this candle in rememberance of you on your Heavenly Date!!
Please send your family love up from above!!
04/15/2013 Austin's Mommy
Thinking of you and sending our love to you as always!
04/15/2013 Katie Cassidy's Mom
Jordan I'm lighting this candle in memory & honor of you!!
Always Loved ~ Remembered ~ Never Forgotten!!
04/15/2013 Mary mom to Josh Bernard
Remembering you lil man on your angel day~Keeing you and your precious family in my thoughts and prayers~Hugs and Love to you
04/14/2013 Noah Morell's Mommy
Lighting this candle in honor of your angel date, may it burn brightly with love for you sweet Jordan
04/14/2013 Dessa Joseph's mom
I light this candle in your precious memory Jordan. Hugs and prayers to your family.
04/14/2013 Rains Mommy
Thinking of you sweetie on your angel day. You are always in my heart. ♥ Sending you lots of hugs!!
04/14/2013 Maw Maw Bonnie
Little sweet Jordan.. your life on earth was short as was Lexi's... I know ya'll are having a wonderful time together
04/14/2013 Louise-Grma To Angie Robert
A candle is lit for you little Jordan on your Angel date.So young and gone to soon,loved and missed so much by each and everyone..