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Aunt Jo to Leah
Sweet little baby munchkin, Aunt Jo is thinking about you and keeping you close to my heart always. You are so special to me♥♥♥
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JORDAN*Choirs of angels came 2 greet u,they guided u 2 paradise that u may find eternal LIFE.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JORDAN*Dispel the night & show your face,& bid us hail the dawn of grace.
Mamaw Veresa
Good morning sweetie. I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses. Give the angels a hug from me. ♥
Edwina~Troy's mum
Memories of you sweet Angel, still cast their gentle glow, to trace our days and light our paths, wherever we may go
Sincere friendship is not a mask we can wear its an inner quality that flows from our relationship with god sending hugs and love
mom 2 Waylon cont
Jordan's name! luv u angel. xoxoxoxoxo
mom 2 Waylon
As Jordan's spirit soars in flight may this candle shine so brite. And with the flicker of this flame I said a prayer in
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JORDAN*may the rain fall softly on you.may the hand of god uphold you(irish prayer)(Veresa)
Rains Mommy
Thinking of you and your sweet Gma always! Sending lots of hugs to you both!!!
Gm lil man love and miss you have fun in heaven today . xoxoxoxoxo
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Just a little note to let u know someone is thinking of u always..So nice to wake up and read all ur beautiful candles..
Mamaw Veresa
Good night my little angel. Sweet dreams. Fly by and give daddy some angel kisses while he sleeps. Smoooches ♥
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JORDAN*May the road rise up 2 meet u.May the wind be always w u.May the sunshine warm u always'til we meet again
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Every day in some small way memories of you come our way..You will never be forgotten Sweet Little Angel Jordan..
Melissa Eiler
♰ In my prayers today and always ♰ God Bless you!♥♥♥
Claudia mom to ~Rocky !
Good night precious Jordan. Sweet dreams Angel. U r always in my heart. xo ((Veresa))
Aunt Jo to Leah
Sweetest baby mine, You are loved and missed beyond belief!!! We only have our memories of you to keep. Precious Angel Baby I lv U
Mamaw Veresa
Good morning my cute little angel. Have a wonderful day in heaven. Watch over daddy while he is in Texas. We love you sweetie. ♥
mom 2 Waylon
Imagine ur angel sittin across from U, close ur eyes and take a deep breath and let ur angels golden light of LUV fill ur heart!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
It's OK Little Prince I want 2 feel home 2.But 4 now I'll help u cope,I'll give u hope.Will u help me out too?*MattieS
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
It isn't what we write..It isn't what we say..It's how we feel deep inside..As we think of you today..God Bless
mom 2 Waylon
Jordan, today, tonight and always, ur in my thoughts & in my HEART! Sweet Dreamzzzz...((HUGS) )
PatrickJay/Grd Mama
It's essential that we cope with the realities of the past & the uncertainties of the future w a pure & chosen hope.MS
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